9: Books & Buzz

You all know I like reading. I miss my book club. Real Readers gave me an opportunity to keep a book in my hands and discuss the piece with others to gather a different perspective. For over 6 years this has been a missing component in my life – until this past summer.  After an exciting start, some things prevented me from joining on the regular. I’m elated to have an end to that piece of my life and add this one on permanently.

During casual conversation, a coworker asked if I liked books – of course, I do.  She then invited me to the meeting for “Writing My Wrongs” I’m sure you know I’ve read that selection.  I was eager to join because I was interested in seeing what others had to say about my friend and checking out the demographic of the group.  It was everything I had been looking for: mature conversation, food & drink with a special guest author. This was my kinda event. They added me to the group with open arms.

We had several great selections during the second half of the year.

I enjoyed reading on the regular again.  Between the football games and life, I wasn’t able to make it to all of the meetings.  Words really can’t express my happiness but I’ll be here silently reading.  During the holiday session, I learned how they decide on the rotation.  I volunteered for the month of March and I’m going to do it the same way I use to do Real Readers. Hopefully, I’m moved and settled before the time gets here.


Do you have any suggestions for a good reading selection?  Please share!